BCS can help you with Crack Fill, Seal Coating & Striping
Parking Lot Crack Fill
If you wait too long to fill in the cracks in your parking lot, they will only get bigger and become potholes that compromise the entire surface and risk visitors, employees, and customers' safety. When you work with BCS, we will fill in the cracks in your parking lot, so less water can get into the asphalt to cause damage, and so any damage is kept to a minimum. The result is a more weather-resistant, smooth surface that is a fraction of the cost of large-scale asphalt repairs or replacement. The key is to fill in cracks when they are small, so get in touch with us today before things get out of hand.
Parking Lot Sealcoating
If you search for parking lot sealcoating companies near me, ensure the team you trust has proven experience sealcoating parking lots in your area. At BCS, we provide sealcoating services that will keep your parking lot looking clean and professional while keeping your customers, employees, and visitors safe at the same time. Sealcoating is a crucial part of your overall pavement management plan. We will always quote on sealcoating and striping together since your current stripes will be covered after sealcoating is complete. If you notice cracks, holes, or severe fading, it may be time for sealcoating service.
Parking Lot Striping
Faded parking lot striping looks unprofessional and can make it difficult for people to park their cars, especially at night. Clear striping helps move traffic flow, reduces the number of parking space disputes, and makes for a safer experience for everyone that enters your parking lot. A little known fact is that upcoming autonomous cars will "see" the striping to navigate your parking lot and allow the car to "find" a parking space. Once your new sealcoating dries, we will add new stripes in the appropriate spaces to complete the job. When you are looking for parking lot striping companies, trust the BCS team to give you what you need.
Asphalt Cracking
Cracking, commonly called alligator cracking, refers to damaged asphalt that follows a pattern resembling an alligator's skin. Typically, cracking results from issues that are going on below the surface, which can multiply over time and affect the entirety of your parking lot. Since parking lots must bear the weight of a wide range of vehicles daily, it's crucial to have a strong foundation. If you leave alligator-like cracking unrepaired, it will continue to spread until the entire surface needs to be replaced, so take action as soon as you notice any signs of trouble.